
一年一度的歐洲歌唱大賽又來了,我們這一次看了瑞典國內的復活賽與總決賽,更不能錯過今年在瑞典馬爾摩(Malmö)主辦的總決賽,因為去年瑞典的Loreen贏得總冠軍。(可見本部落格一文:「2012年歐洲歌唱大賽總決賽(Eurovision Song Contest 2012) 」。)



(一)本屆冠軍:丹麥Emmelie de Forest,歌曲《Only Teardrops》





這位丹麥年僅20歲的年輕歌手Emmelie de Forest,長得很漂亮。歌曲《Only Teardrops》很好聽,尤其是開頭的笛音與中間穿插的鼓聲,對整首歌曲有畫龍點睛之妙。




(二)羅馬尼亞的Cezar,歌曲《It's my life》






(三)希臘Koza Mostra團體,歌曲《Alcohol Is Free》





希臘團體的歌曲名《Alcohol Is Free》 很有趣,他們演唱表演方式很逗趣,令人一看再看。





在觀眾投票同時,瑞典主辦國穿插一些串場表演,其中主持人Petra Mede穿著瑞典國旗顏色-藍色與黃色,演唱歌曲介紹瑞典特色,影片畫面內容有有麋鹿、森林、資源回收、長襪皮皮、金髮的瑞典美女、維京人、推著娃娃車的奶爸、仲夏節節慶、同性結婚、肉丸子、牛奶、達拉木馬...等,值得一看喔!


2013年歐洲歌唱大賽,地主國瑞典主持人(Petra Mede)的歌曲演唱,《Swedish Smörgåsbord 》,意指:瑞典大雜燴,介紹瑞典特色。若仔細聽歌詞、看歌詞,整首歌以幽默的方式,將著名的瑞典人、事、物、社會文化特色穿插在歌曲中,如下所示:



I come from a country
that's hard to find
Somewhere near the icy pole   
But though we are freezing
please bear in mind

Sweden's gonna warm
your soul

Our people are cold
but our elks are hot       (麋鹿)
A horny horde in ev'ry fjord
Our moose may be loose      (麋鹿)
but they hit the spot
On our Swedish Smorgasbord


A tour of our nation
is certain to impress
We've quite a few
surprises for you
A Swedish chef          (瑞典著名的布偶秀,見維基百科說明
and Death playing chess     瑞典著名的電影-第七封印



And a girl with a
dragon tattoo           (瑞典著名犯罪小說-龍紋身的女孩)
Papa - Po


By winning this contest
you get the chance
To host a show you
can't afford
But then sell your country
through song and dance
Here's our
Swedish smorgasbord

We're green to our planet
with eco-pride
Recycling is in our hearts       (資源回收)
Mamma Mia            (ABBA有名的歌曲與舞台劇劇名-媽媽媽咪呀!)
Ikea has gone world-wide       (宜家家具)
Good luck assembling
all the parts

We're strict and we're        (瑞典人特性: 嚴謹
structured              結構
and seldom vent           少發洩  
Don't show emotion           
never whine             
Not easy to please                                         
but we're quite
When we get to stand in line                         

Does anyone know what this
line is for
I'd better stay and find out

Proper and polite and
private is our style
Never ever talk on a train
And if we see a stranger
throw us a smile
He's either a drunk or insane

Everyday we face it
Fly on up and taste it
Try our
Swedish Smorgasbord

Swedish Smörgåsbord

Beneath the midnight sun                          (午夜的太陽)
The blondes have all the fun
And if you long for stockings
say "Amen!"

From Vikings we descended      (維京人)
It´s frightning what
those men did

But see how we've evolved
since then


Our roles are reversing         (瑞典社會,男女角色互換)
Our daddies are nursing
In all of our cities
Though men don't have titties
They can still stay at home
to raise the kids

And our girls can handle
their balls
With the best kickline
of them all

You may now
kiss the groom            (瑞典社會-同性婚姻)

Follow our example
Come and try a sample
Of our
Swedish Smorgasbord!

It's time for some dinner
we pray you'll stay
Come and try our
fav'rite course
We eat all our meatballs        
the Nordic way:
Seasoned with a hint
of horse

For Strindberg            瑞典知名作家奧古斯特·斯特林堡
And Bergman            瑞典知名電影導演-英格瑪.柏格曼,電影《第七封印》導演
Celsius              (溫度標示-攝氏)
All rise
For Thor and                                                 (北歐神話裡的雷神)

Björn Borg             (瑞典知名的前網球運動員)
And the great

Nobel Prize             (諾貝爾獎)

There's Volvo            (瑞典知名汽車廠牌)
Garbo             (瑞典知名女演員-葛麗泰·嘉寶)
The best
lingonberry         (越橘)
And all of our problems
Digesting our dairy...

Oh look it´s Carola          (瑞典知名歌手-Carola,曾兩次代表瑞典參加歐洲歌唱大賽,在1991年贏得冠軍

Haha - yeah
Capture by a love storm


We gave you Carola
Waterloo            (ABBA歌曲《Waterloo》,1974年為瑞典第一次贏得歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍)
And Diggi-Loo              (Herreys團體歌曲《Diggiloo Diggiley》,在1984年贏得歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍)

who all adored

We'll take you to heaven
Euphoria too                                                    (瑞典知名歌手Loreen歌曲,2012年贏得歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍)

Come and join our party
Come on up and chill
There's room for everybody
Gravad lax and dill          醃製鮭魚

On our
Aquavit-crayfish           螯蝦宴會
Yucky-salty-liquorice          瑞典甘草糖
With H&M 'n'              (瑞典知名服飾品牌)
Ace of Base              (瑞典知名流行音樂團體-王牌合唱團)

Our hurdy-gurdy
ABBA              (瑞典知名樂團)
Super-Trouper             ABBA樂團歌曲名



查完串場歌曲《Swedish Smörgåsbord 》裡關於瑞典有名的人、事、物之後,我已經頭昏腦脹了,還要時時與外子討論才能了解。如有遺漏,請讀者告知。若非仔細看歌詞,光是看主持人演唱,還不知包含這麼多的內容,由此可看出製作單位的用心,以此歌曲幽默地呈現瑞典特色。


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